Working to protect and enhance the Lickey Hills and their environs
To join us please download and complete one of the following forms and send it (with your remittance if paying by cheque) to the membership secretary - see details below.
Current Individual/Household subscription rates are as follows:
Ordinary: £5 per annum Senior Citizen: £4 per annum
Junior: £4 per annum Household: £8 per annum
Click here to download an Individual/Household membership application form
The current subscription rate for Corporate or Society Membership is £20 per annum
Click here to download a Corporate or Society membership application form
* Cheques should be made payable to The Lickey Hills Society and sent to;
Membership Secretary: Mrs Brenda Carlson, 30 Beacon Hill, Rubery, Birmingham B45 9QP
If you cannot print the form just send a note containing all the information requested in the form to the above address.
If you are having trouble opening the form email and we will email you a copy.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your membership application within 21 days of posting please email us at
© 2024 The Lickey Hills Society